Wednesday, 28 July 2010

To Clear Some Things Up

I'll try to address each point separately.

1) Kuuga is on hiatus, not dropped.

Yes, we are aware this show has been on hiatus for a long time and that we did not returned to releasing within the time we said we would. This is the very reason we have not given any more word as to a date we will return to regularly subbing Kuuga. We don't want to make a promise of returning to subtitling Kuuga and for unforseen reasons not be able to do so, it's unfair and builds peoples hopes.
We don't want to start releasing again till we can do so regularly, so until we are in a place where we can again regularly release Kuuga it will remain on hiatus. We are still working on Kuuga and some of the episodes after 12 have been timed and looked over. We will continue doing what we can with episodes we're still to subtitle until we are able to return to regular releases so that when the time comes we won't have quite as much work to do.

2) Yes, we weren't the first to sub Kuuga.
Ok, so when we picked up Kuuga it wasn't exactly untouched, TV-Nihon, Order of Zeronos and /m/subs had all released episodes of Kuuga. Now to clarify, /m/subs have never got into contact with either myself or Syochan and did not offer to help. I am in no way getting at /m/subs in saying this, I actually quite like their subtitles for old mech shows, I just want to clarify that we received no word from /m/subs. We have nothing against /m/subs, Order of Zeronos or TV-Nihon and they all subtitled episodes of Kuuga before we had started.
We chose to start Kuuga from episode 1 because we wanted to subtitle it the way we prefer, we have nothing against the groups that subtitled Kuuga before us or how they chose to subtitle the show but it was not how we planned to subtitle Kuuga and we personally were committing ourselves to fully subbing Kuuga. We did not want to ask people to visit other subtitle groups to watch some episodes we haven't done. Though to clarify, this does not mean we are telling anyone to not watch their subtitles.

3) New groups are subbing Kuuga.
Ok, so Midnight Crew Subs have picked up Kuuga and are doing it at a fast pace plus there is another group that also planned to subtitle Kuuga (though in light of MCS picking it up I am unsure if they still plan to do so). We have no issue with this, we don't feel it in any way infringes upon what we're doing and anyone who wants more Kuuga now can easily go watch their subtitles.
We're not planning to joint with them, they have not asked us and we don't plan to ask them. We have no ill will against them and I wish them all the best in subbing Kuuga, but there is no reason for us to work together purely because we're subtitling the same series. We have different approaches and trying to have 2 groups with very different approaches work together will require compromise on both sides and may lead to arguments/drama.

4) None of us own Kuuga.
We don't own Kuuga, therefore we have no right nor reason to complain about MCS or anyone else subtitling the series. MCS did not ask our permission to subtitle this series and they have no reason to do so. We have nothing against them and they clearly have nothing against us considering they recommended people come to us for episodes 1-12 until they finish the series and then go back to subtitle the first 12 episodes.
The other group (who have yet to release an episode of Kuuga as far as I'm aware) did come to us over IRC and ask if we had any problems with them picking the series up. I replied with much the same as I have said above, that we don't own Kuuga and while we've not dropped the project there is no reason they can't also subtitle it.

5) Stop trolling or insulting any of the groups.
We worked to subtitle 12 episodes of Kuuga and are still committed to doing the same with the other 37 episodes. Subtitling is not fun surprisingly, I'm not saying it can't be enjoyed, but it does actually involve work and effort. No group needs to labour over giving you something for free only to be insulted. MCS are not asking you to have a go at us and we definitively are not asking you to have a go at them. Appreciate what you get, we are perfectly fine with constructive criticism and are well aware that there are plenty of people who appreciate the work we have done. However, this is not true of everyone and the internet is filled with people who will choose to attack us because we subtitled 12 episodes of Kuuga and offered them to people with no real benefit to ourselves, then stopped for a while to sort out our lives outside of the internet. Some people will read this and take it on board, others won't care. But I say it for the sake of the few who will take it on board and to make clear we're not asking anyone to have a go at MCS for any reason.